
How To Make Camera Follow Player Unity

In this tutorial, we will see polish camera follow in unity 3d. It is required when you desire the photographic camera to follow the player game object in the game.

For smoothen camera motility, we will use following points:

  • Move player object in Update
  • Move photographic camera object in LateUpdate
  • Utilize SmoothDamp method for photographic camera movement. This provides ameliorate smoothness as compared with LERP method.

Utilise beneath script for smooth photographic camera movement and to follow the player object.


Smooth camera movement in unity 3d

To know nigh LERP method, checkout my translate game objects blog.

Hope you get an thought about smooth camera post-obit in unity 3D. Mail your comments for queries and feedback. Thanks for reading.

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Gyanendu Shekhar is a engineering science enthusiast. He loves to larn new technologies. His area of involvement includes Microsoft technologies, Augmented reality, Virtual reality, unity3d and android development.

Gyanendu Shekhar

Gyanendu Shekhar is a technology enthusiast. He loves to acquire new technologies. His area of interest includes Microsoft technologies, Augmented reality, Virtual reality, unity3d and android development.


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